Stop selling

and start cultivating your relationships to find ultimate growth


What if sales wasn't about selling at all?

What if selling was about active listening and building trusted relationships? Would that change your perspective?

Ann Knuttila, strategic growth and sales coach

Sales gets a bad rap

People think selling is telling others what to do

It’s a win-lose process. I’m here to help you understand that it doesn’t need to be that way. Sales is about cultivating relationships. I help my clients perfect the act of active listening, learn how to strategically ask for what they want in a way that will also solve their ideal clients pain points creating win-win situations for everyone.
When you work with me I help you learn how to connect authentically with your dream clients. Let’s make things simple. Quit hustling.


Gain confidence selling

Growwith me

‘Grow With Me’ is an 8 week program to help you gain confidence in your selling. Maybe you’re a solopreneur who loves what you do but hates having to sell yourself and your services. In this 8 week program we will walk through the sales process, creating simple action-steps along the way that will create quick wins for long term success.

What we cover

Finding clarity in your business
+ Defining your niche
+ Brand messaging
+ The sales process
(prospecting, elevator pitch, networking tips, perfecting the sales call)
+ Handling objections
+ Normalizing the no
+ Closing the sale
+ The art of the follow up
+ Systems for success
+ Networking 101

Maybe you’ve perfected the sale?

You know how to close the deal, but you’re ready for more growth.

Grow and scale

Moving the Needle

‘Moving The Needle’ will help you grow and scale your business. Over an initial 8 weeks, we will dig deep into finding hidden revenues in your business and elevating your business to the next level.

What we cover

+ Determining your niche
+ Finding Hidden Revenue
+ Goal setting
+ Creating boundaries
+ Charging your worth
+ Filling your pipeline


What's holding you back?

Let me help you learn how to connect authentically with your dream clients.

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