5 Places to Discover Networking Opportunities


A big part of sales is forming and cultivating relationships. Relationships are going to be the heart of everything you do. People are more likely to work with you, buy from you, and be willing to recommend you to others when they feel connected to and supported. 

A great way to establish and maintain relationships is through networking. The word networking may feel intimidating to some. Remember those “networking happy hours” where you enter a room of people you’ve never met and slowly make your way around the room? If you are a talker like me, those kinds of settings might be right up your alley. I can talk to anyone so that environment to me is fun, exciting, and dare I say… natural. But I know that’s not the case for everyone. And what might be simple for one can be very stressful for others. 

The good news is networking has evolved! There are many places to find new opportunities to make connections to other people. 

Here are 5 places to discover networking opportunities. 

[1] Social Media

Use social media to find people you would be interested in connecting with and reach out to them in their DMs. Remember you are talking to another person, be professional but personable. Ask them the easiest way for THEM to communicate with you. Virtual meeting? Email? Phone call? Or maybe they’d enjoy it if you treated them to coffee. 

[2] Networking Groups

There are so many great networking groups out there! You can find women-focused networking groups or even industry networking groups. Networking groups typically have different events (virtual or in-person) that are a great place to gain additional information but also… you guessed it, to network! Here are some different groups and spaces  I enjoy: The Merry Hour, Minnesota PRSA, AdFed, Twin Cities Collective, The BWC (business women’s circle), ModernWell. 

[3] Co-Working Spaces

Co-working spaces are where you can rent an office or a desk space. These spaces are a great place to meet new people and create relationships with like minded professionals. Minneapolis has some great options (see some suggestions above). 

[4] Through Current Colleagues and Friends

Don’t be afraid to ask your current connections if they know anyone you would benefit from connecting with. Your colleagues and friends know you best. Tell them why you are looking to grow and the type of people you would be interested in connecting with and see if they know anyone that would be a good match.  Then ask them to do a warm introduction. 

[5] Volunteering

Networking can happen in places you might least expect it. I’m a huge advocate of volunteering in general, but this can also be a great avenue to meet new people. Try volunteering somewhere that needs your professional services and show off your talents. Not sure where to start? HandOn Twin Cities has thousands of pro bono and skill-based opportunities! 

Networking can open a lot of doors for you in life and in business. I challenge you to put a goal around networking in 2022. How can you make more connections? Maybe join one networking group or once a month connect with an old friend.  I promise, regardless of the outcome, more connection is always a win. 

Ann Knuttila